Mandaluyong City, Philippines



                                       “Anak na Maykapansanan … Paano ko Pakikisamahan?”



Many parents of children with disabilities experience similar reactions and emotional responses and that most go through an adjustment process, trying to work through their feelings.  Parents of a child with disabilities move from shock, denial, and disbelief to anger, guilt, depression, rejection, and over protectiveness to, eventually acceptance.  However, parents and family members do not always move through the same stages in the same order at the same time.

Parenting any child is a challenge.  Parenting an exceptional child is an additional challenge especially for those who struggle and have limited information about the nature of their child’s disability.  Hence, it would be timely to spearhead a program that would equip parents with information and skills in coping with their child’s disability.



This seminar-workshop aims to equip parents with knowledge and skills to raise and take care of their child with disability.  At the end of the seminar-workshop, parents will

     1.  be familiar with the different types of disability

  1. be able to identify the stages in coping with having a disabled child and the appropriate reaction/behavior toward the child
  2. be aware of the typical problems of parents with a disabled child
  3. be able to apply the principles and techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy in handling problems related to caring and raising the disabled child
  4. be able to understand the nature and benefits of a support group
  5. be able to plan as a group activities and projects for the development of the disabled child
  6.  be  able to organize a support group composed of parents and school personnel

Evaluation of the Seminar Workshop:

A modified version of Donald L.Kirkpatrick’s( 2009) training evaluation model will be used to assess the effectiveness of the seminar workshop. According to him , a training program can be evaluated at four levels …

            1. REACTION :How the trainees felt about the training or learning experience

 2. LEARNING: Measurement of the increase in knowledge before and after the training      

 3. BEHAVIOR: Extent to which the trainees applied the learning and changed their behavior after training

            4  RESULTS:  Effects on the environment resulting from the trainees’ performance


       Total No. of Training & Venue


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